Top 3 Most Beautiful Gardens in France

Published on by Ashley

People who really love gardens and like to visit wonderful gardens around the world will find that most of the beautiful gardens are located in Europe particularly in France.  France is one of the best locations to visit if you love gardens. It has most wonderful gardens that are complete of natural beauty.

France is home to an impressive numbers of beautiful gardens that attract visitors from across the globe. Though is not an easy task to list all the most beautiful gardens and parks in France, here are the three famous gardens that you must not miss to visit when  on a trip to France.


1) Monet's Gardens, North East France, France:

This garden was created from 1883 to 1926 in the valley of the river Epte by lauder Monet. It is one of the colourful garden by an artist. For photographers and artists, it is a special garden. They showed interest to do drawing a subject in the air at various minutes of the day to demonstrate variation in light. Thus, this garden pictures is a subject for painting.

This wonderful lawn of heavenly color harmonies at Giverny is divided up into two unique gardens: a flower garden and Japanese-inspired water garden. On one part of the street, back at the top of the lawn, is Monet's typical pink house with natural shades and festooned with flowers where the artist lived.

Through the Japanese garden with the bridge can be found a different landscape, the stylistically southern water-garden with its popular wisteria, willows and water-lilies still seem to welcome the stunning eye of the expert for any canvas.

2) Gardens Chateau de Versailles, in Paris, France:

The magnificent Lounge of Wall mirrors is haunted by the spirits of the elegant household, from Louis XIII to Louis-Philippe: 250 decades of disasters and fêtes in which the elegance of the Sun Master, Louis XIV, taken over.

The gardens are ornamented with thousands of sculptures around some of the most wonderful fountains your eyes will ever see. Be sure to come in time for the fountains moving to music, usually at 11 a.m. Don’t forget the pink stone Huge Trianon and the traditional Petit Trianon, so special to the heart of the queen Marie-Antoinette.

For building the palace, 36000 people were employed and it's construction begun in 1660 and completed in 1685 by Louis LeVau and Jules Hardouin-Mansart. André Le Nôtre developed the gardens and in 1677 Louis XIV shifted the trial there.

3) Bagatelle, Gardens in Normandy, France:

It is commonly known for its gardens of the rose. There was initially only one rosary, but a second was later included - one displaying conventional rose types and the other displaying the progress of this queen of blossoms.

Flowers are branded by origin, name, year, and class of introduction. Bagatelle is also used for cultural events and other exhibitions. A must for garden lovers and flower.

These old gardens are well managed, and if one who wish to see most of them, must plan your trip well so that in a shorter time,  one can see more locations.

If planning to visit France to see some of it's beautiful gardens, you can choose ferry for your trip as the excellent onboard facilities give a great experience to you and your family rather than other means of transportation.

Published on Travel and Leisure

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